Welcome 欢迎

Welcome to the official web site of Reading Chinese Association (RCA)!

RCA is a non-profit organization located in Reading PA. Its main objective is promoting social and cultural exchanges among its members, between Chinese Americans and local community.


瑞城华人协会是一个位于宾州瑞丁市的非营利组织. 它的主要目标是促进其会员及当地社会间的有关中华文化的交流.

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Sponsors 鸣谢

This site is made possible with donations from our sponsors. RCA appreciates their continuing supports.

RCA 网站的运作得益于商家的支持, 对此我们表示感谢.

News 新闻

2024 RCA Chinese BBQ Party was hold at Lakeview Pavilion, Blue Marsh Lake on Saturday July 20, 2024 

2024 瑞鼎华人协会烧烤聚会于2024年7月20日在 Lakeview Pavilion, Blue Marsh Lake 举行。

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2024 RCA Chinese New Year Celebration was hold at Calvary Bible Fellowship Church on Saturday Feb 24, 2024 

2024 华人协会春节联欢聚会于二月二十四日晚在华人教会举行。

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2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 中秋聚会

The 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration took place in Jumbo Chinese Buffet on Saturday, September 14th. More than 100 members gathered together to enjoy delicious food as well as traditional moon cakes.

2023年华人协会的中秋聚会以自助餐形式于9月14日星期六下午在 Jumbo Chinese Buffet 进行。100多名会员欢聚一堂品尝各种美食及月饼,共度佳节。

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2023 RCA Chinese BBQ Party was hold at Lakeview Pavilion, Blue Marsh Lake on Saturday July 15, 2023 

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Reading Chinese Association Donates Personal Protective Equipment to Reading Hospital


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Berks Nonprofit Raises Thousands to Equip First Responders with Protective

瑞城华人协会捐款$16,000 装备一线工作人员

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Reading Chinese Association Raises $16,000 to Help Fight Coronavirus

瑞城华人协会募捐 $16,000 帮助抵抗新冠肺炎

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2019 RCA Chinese BBQ Party was hold at Lakeview Pavilion, Blue Marsh Lake on Saturday May 25, 2019 

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2019 RCA Chinese New Year Celebration was hold at Calvary Bible Fellowship Church on Saturday Feb 9, 2019 

2019 华人协会春节联欢聚会于二月九日晚在华人教会举行。

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Badminton Club is celebrating its third-year anniversary at Body Zone. If you are interested in playing badminton and becoming a club member, please come join us. 


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